Welcome to the Newsroom

Here in the Newsroom, you will find a mix of news and information to help you navigate the in’s and out’s of your business, as well as keeping you up to date with the important issues relating to business.

  • Give yourself a gift this Christmas
    Do you think that a Christmas gift for yourself is too expensive? Think again! What’s that? The Christmas and New Years period is slow for your business? We hear you. That’s a common complaint, especially for service based businesses. Given that little snippet of knowledge, you’re probably thinking that giving yourself a Christmas gift is… Read more: Give yourself a gift this Christmas
  • How to prepare for Christmas as a Small Business
    Are you dreading Christmas? As a business owner, you’re likely dreading more than the present shopping and food prep for the big day. For a small business, cashflow is king, and the December/January period is often challenging financially. It’s no secret that smaller businesses are often in a more ‘hand to mouth’ scenario money wise,… Read more: How to prepare for Christmas as a Small Business
  • How can you maximise your revenue generating time?
    Many SME’s are one person or Husband and Wife operations. The owner/operators often work much more than a standard work week, particularly when you take into account the administrative functions such invoicing customers, paying suppliers, and so on. Some of these owner/operators are also self confessed control freaks so try to do absolutely everything themselves.… Read more: How can you maximise your revenue generating time?
  • The Challenges of being in business.
    The challenges of being in business Recently I was involved in some Business Mentors New Zealand training with about 30 other mentors. It was great to meet others that were part of this organisation and to share experiences. There were widely varying stories of how some businesses were struggling post Covid 19 and how others… Read more: The Challenges of being in business.
  • Cupcakes are a good thing!
    Last month I participated in Movember. The funds raised by Movember go into aiding the improvement of a number of men’s health issues. It is worth the aggravation of a tickly upper lip that for some reason I cannot stop touching. The one issue closest to home for me at this point in time is… Read more: Cupcakes are a good thing!
  • Business owners need to pay themselves!
    Money… the magic word on every business owner’s lips. You may not go into business with the sole purpose of making money, but it should be one of the things you strongly consider. What you earn can feel like a bit of a taboo subject and is not talked about publically. But, it should be… Read more: Business owners need to pay themselves!
  • Riding the Wave
    When I was starting my business I started from a zero base. That is, no customers. I needed an accounting system but I did not want to spend very much as I needed to protect my cash as much as I could. This is always wise no matter how early or late your business is… Read more: Riding the Wave
  • Positive Relationships
    Throughout my career I have built many business relationships within the organisations I worked in, as well as outside of the organisation with suppliers and customers.  This had always been while I was employed by someone else. I did not have to worry too much about building the business as that was not my role,… Read more: Positive Relationships
  • Pricing Proposals for Success
    A Proposal Success story I was recently helping a client to price a proposal for a significant contract.  She had done everything right. The team she assembled had read the evaluation criteria and addressed all of the items that required addressing in the RFP. She had enlisted the right expertise to help her define and… Read more: Pricing Proposals for Success
  • The recipe for business
    My girlfriend recently shared with me a facebook post which was about a man from the UK that had made Lemoncello for the first time and clearly did not follow the recipe as he had a very unsatisfactory result. If you don’t mind a bit of rich language view the clip at this link. This… Read more: The recipe for business
  • The Importance of Forecasting
    Why Forecasting Is So Important! A number of years ago I asked my youngest daughter what she thought the weather was going to do the next day. She asked what the weather forecast had said. I said I did not know. Why did she need to know that?  She said that most of the time… Read more: The Importance of Forecasting
  • Organisational Culture
    What is meant by the culture of the organisation? It is subtly different to what The Knobz sang about in their song from 1980. In my experience, it is the feel of the organisation, the aura from the staff that work for it.  Depending on the size of the organisation there may be subcultures within… Read more: Organisational Culture
  • Seize the day and the dollar!
    Small business owners go into business for many reasons. This may be to do something they are passionate about, pursue a dream, because they have been made redundant, or they are tired of being told what to do by someone else, to name a few.  Unfortunately my experience has shown that many of them do… Read more: Seize the day and the dollar!
  • Collecting your dues
    One of the jobs that we love to hate as business owners is collecting money that is past its due by date. Taking a positive view on this, it can be a rewarding way of connecting with your customers although you should not leave it until they are overdue to invigorate your relationship with them.… Read more: Collecting your dues
  • What’s your end game?
    We all want our team to win, that’s the end game. So what is the win you have in mind as your business end game?
  • Supercharge your biz with Genoapay
    Business has been tough lately, so we’ve made getting help a little bit easier for you, in association with Genoapay.
  • Business is tough
    Business always has challenges, but Covid-19 has created something that none of us could have ever seen coming.