I’m Graeme, and here’s a bit about me.

Whangarei, Northland is where I call home. I was born in Kaikohe, raised in Kaeo , and went to Mount Albert Grammar in Auckland for high school. I have two children, and I also have a keen interest in sustainability and moving to a more nature based lifestyle. This interest has led me to spend my spare time on my rural block in Pakotai, just 40 minutes out of Whangarei (but actually, it feels like a world away from everything).

I was around 14 when the idea of accounting piqued my interest – I just enjoyed it. After graduating Otago University as an Accountant, I began a career that has spanned 30 years so far, and that has taught me a lot about business, planning, compliance, governance, strategy, process, and more. I’ve worked in government, local government, and the private commercial sector.

Biz Assist has grown from a culmination of that experience, coupled with a passion for helping people grow and achieve success themselves. The breadth of commercial knowledge I have gathered over the years is now offered to you, to help you and your business grow.

My favourite part of business mentoring is helping people to develop their goals for their business, and then working with them to find and implement the tools and people to make that happen.

Being part of my local community in a positive way is important to me, and as well as other community based activities, I was on the board for the primary school that both of my children went to, for over a decade, predominantly as the Chairperson. My role was to lead the board, which was made up of individuals from varying backgrounds within our local community, through strong governance. I was also a mentor to the Principal of the school.

It’s been a longstanding dream of mine to step out on my own as a consultant and mentor, to assist both start up and existing businesses alike, to share my knowledge, and to empower business owners to take the next step in their journey to success.

I’m looking forward to supporting you.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”

Your first consultation is on me